Empowering voices through action
“RJP gave me courage. It made me brave, and made me believe that I could publish my writing. And I did! I published a piece with Women in Journalism. RJP encouraged me, and gave me the push that I could do it.”
“Before, I felt alienated, like I had taken myself out of the equation somehow. But now, I feel like someone has taken me by the hand and shown me the door. I feel part of something, like I have an opinion, and I feel confident that I will be heard. RJP gave me that confidence.”
“RJP is changing the media narrative, and helping so many people. There is a lack of diversity in the media industry and RJP is trying to change that, to fill in those gaps with strong candidates: journalists, producers and presenters. A huge thank you from me, and I’m sure every participant would say the same, if not more.”
“My mentor is very good. She has helped me prepare for interviews, how to introduce myself, how to speak about my skills, how to answer questions. She helped me to focus on the details, and made me aware of how to market myself. I feel more prepared and more focused and like I know what employers are looking for now.”
“In Afghanistan I supported my family, and had many jobs, but when I arrived to the UK, I felt useless, like my work was not valued. RJP was my new start, it was so helpful, and it helped me get a fellowship with Bloomberg. Now, I want to make them proud, and I want to make RJP proud, and my family proud, and I make myself proud.”
“I can see the difference in myself from when I started until now. When I talk with the people, when I read or write, because of all of the practice the project provided us. It made a big difference for me, and I really appreciated learning from RJP.”

Contact us

Refugee Journalism Project
University of the Arts London
London College of Communication
Elephant and Castle
London SE1 6SB